How to check if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp

Nix Loop
2 min readJul 6, 2021

There are a couple of indicators that you may be blocked:

1. Checking for profile photo

The first step to know whether someone has blocked you on WhatsApp or not is to view their profile picture. You will not see any updates to the person’s profile picture. The display picture would not visible to you.

It could also be possible that a person has removed their profile photo.

2. Check the contact’s last seen

The last seen is a feature that shows up the last time the user was online. If someone blocks you on WhatsApp then you can no longer see the last seen of that person.

However, WhatsApp also gives the feature to hide your last seen.

3. Calling the contact

Any calls you attempt to place will not go through. You will only see a Calling message when you’re placing the call.

However, if a person does not have an internet connection then you’ll get the same thing.

4. Creating a group on WhatsApp

To check if you Being blocked by someone then create a WhatsApp group with a person that you suspect may have blocked you. Going through the process of making the group will result in only you in that group.

5. Sending a message to the contact

If you try to send a message to a contact who has blocked you will always show one check mark (message sent), and never show a second check mark (message delivered).

“If you see all of the indicators above for a contact, this could mean that the user is blocking you. However, there are other possibilities. We have made this intentionally ambiguous in order to protect your privacy when you block someone. Thus, we cannot tell you if you are being blocked by someone else,” WhatsApp said.

If you need additional information then the Full article with the pictures is available on our site. NixLoop.



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